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Phone Conference Calling Service on a Pay-As-You-Go Plan
Phone Conference Calling Service on a Pay-As-You-Go Plan
A great option for users of conference call is conference calling on a pay-as-you-go plan. With this option, the main benefit is that you only pay for what you actually use.
The following is some of the options available for conference calling on a pay-as-you-go basis:
There are choices available which mean you don’t need to buy plans that have already been bundled together which include services that you do not need or use. Pay-as-you-go rates for conference callings means you only pay for the time you actually use.
Many large companies that that use conference calling on a regular basis still do so, on pay-as-you-plans. These large companies would save money by transferring over to an unlimited fixed price conference call plan.
Pay-as-you-go conference calling service plans are ideal for organizations and companies that utilize a conference calling service on an infrequent or limited basis. There are two main types of pay-as-you-go services for conference calls:
The first type is a toll-free service. These calls work using a toll-free number that members of your call dial into. Then they would need to enter a passcode, which automatically enters them into the conference call with the rest of your team members.
The second type of conference is a non-toll free service. On these calls, the team members dial into a long distance call number. This type of service is ideal for calls within a company and when a toll-free call number is not necessary. The cost of a toll-free call is more expensive than a non-toll free call.
Before committing to a conference call service you will need to decide if a toll-free of non-toll free will best meet the needs of your organization or company.
Pay as you use them conference plans do not require any help or assistance to set up. There is no need for an operator or to make a reservation in advance as the conference call lines are available to you whenever they are required.
This means you can hold a conference call whenever you want to. The passcodes can be changed on a regular basis or use the same ones over and over again.
There is no commitment or fixed term contract necessary; this means you are free to cancel the service without obligation at any time. Another benefit is there is no expense necessary to set up an account for a conference service.
A pay as you go conference service can help to save your organization or company up to sixty percent of the standard cost of conference calls.