Contact Info

  • 96 Queen Park, Los Vegas, USA
  • +1 800 555 44 00
  • Office Hrs: Today 9.00am to 6.00pm

Google Calendar Sync

Syncing with Google calendar makes scheduling conferences a snap.
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Google Calendar Sync - Google sync min

Google Calendar Sync Features

FreeConference integration with Google’s free online calendar is just one more way to make scheduling and organizing conferences a snap. Now you can coordinate with colleagues, friends, and family by sharing your upcoming conference reservations, and view schedules that others have shared as well.
  • View upcoming conferences by day, week, month, 4-day, or agenda.
  • Use your Google Calendar to share upcoming conference details with colleagues, friends, and family.
  • View schedules that others have shared with you.
  • Set up reminders via email or text message.
  • Access your Google Calendar from your phone’s calendar, or through the mobile version of Google Calendar within your mobile browser.
  • Google Calendar syncs with Microsoft Outlook, Apple iCal and Mozilla Sunbird

Host a Free Conference Call or Video Conference, Starting Now!

Create your account and get access to everything you need for your business or organization to hit the ground running, like video and Screen Sharing, Call Scheduling, Automated Email Invitations, Reminders, Virtual Meeting Room and more.